If you’re looking for a bed for the spare room, maybe a children’s room, or you just need something that doesn’t stretch the budget, Quercus Home Furniture is here to help.
We offer a complete bed package deal from just £349, including an orthopaedic mattress, a two drawer divan base and your choice of matching strut headboard. Or upgrade to a 1000 pocket spring mattress for just £50 more.

Available in tufted or quilted version, our entry-level matress is a stylish and modern addition to your living space, providing a comfortable and supportive sleeping experience. The mattress is 2-sided, allowing you to flip it over and prolong its lifespan. The perfect choice for those looking for a comfortable and stylish mattress option that is easy to maintain.
This mattress is made with high-quality polyester and features a spring count of 12.5g, making it perfect for those who want a medium-firm feel. It is also available as an upgraded 1000 pocket spring version, which help to distribute your body weight evenly for support.

The offer includes a two drawer divan base with matching headboard and is available in either slate grey or charcoal grey in single (3ft), double (4ft6in) or king size (5ft)

All beds are manufactured to order from our supplier in West Yorkshire. Give us a call on 07368 493569 to order, with FREE local delivery.